Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 24-28,2012

Finally back to a normal week! We will be getting to all of the things I discussed in last week's science blog that we didn't get to due to Pro Ohio testing last week. Please refer to last week's blog posting for information.

Social Studies
We finished our North America salt dough maps on Monday. We worked on them all last week and two other days in class. This should have been enough time to complete our fantastic maps. We sure learned where things are located in North America and how to use an atlas correctly! Be looking for grades to be posted within the next week or two.
We will be learning about two very important documents this week, The Declaration of Independence and The U.S. Constituion. We'll be learning just how our government started and then will lead into learning about our current government.

Parent Volunteers and Intervention Block
We will begin our Intervention Block schedule this week. This is when we will utilize our parent volunteers to help us work in small groups. Each child has their own daily Intervention Block schedule and will be going different places, working with different teachers and parents each day. They will also be going to Success Lab during this block throughout the week.

Agendas, Friday Folders, Progress Book
Continue checking your child's agenda daily for their homework and notes from teachers. Your child should be bringing home weekly papers in their Friday Folder. These are due back to me signed every Monday, this signals me that you've seen your child's papers and have taken them out. Keep checking for weekly grade updates on Progress Book. Anytime you see a zero for a grade, that is your cue that your child didn't turn in an assignment. All three fifth grade teachers have the same policy: we give full credit to work turned in on time. We give half credit to work turned in one day late. We do not give any credit to work turned in later than one day late. Thank you for helping us teach and support your child learning early on in school the necessity of turning in their work on time. This is a life skill they need to be successful in their world, and we all want successful children!

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17-21, 2012

Grandparents' Day
A great time was had by all in Social Studies class on Grandparents' Day! We got down right messy making our salt dough with our grandparents and boy was it fun! A huge thanks to all of the grandparents who helped out with their dough making expertise, it turned out great!

Pro Ohio
We will be taking the rest of our Pro Ohio tests this week, please make sure your child comes prepared with at least two number 2 pencils and good erasers that don't streak! Streaking erasers are a nightmare on scan tron answer sheets! The tests are as follows: Monday - Math, Wednesday - Science, Friday - Social Studies

We will start having our parent volunteers come in starting next week, September 24-28. With our wacky schedule this week due to Pro Ohio, we didn't see the need to even attempt our new volunteer schedule this week. Be on the look out for your volunteer schedule to come home sometime this week. Thank you again for all of the parents who are volunteering their time to help out the fifth grade.

Science and journals
This week we will be discussing the basics of Life Science: what are producers, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, decomposers, and scavengers? We'll be taking notes in our science journal on these basics and taking notes on how to correctly make food chains. Be on the lookout for some of your child's grades to come from things that are in their science journals. I will be collecting their journals every now and then to see if they've kept up with them correctly. Feel free to take a look at them as well to see any grades that are in them. I will be writing "Journal" at the end of any assignment that you see on Progress Book. This will be your cue that the assignment is in their journal and has been graded in the journal. 

Social Studies and journals
This week our goal is to finish our salt dough maps, painted and all. This is a great way to learn about some basic geographic points on the North America map. Be on the lookout for some of your child's grades to come from things that are in their social studies journals, such as their North America map and Focus Chapter 2 foldables that were both on their interim reports. I will be collecting their journals every now and then to see if they've kept up with them correctly. Feel free to take a look at them as well to see any grades that are in them. I will be writing "Journal" at the end of any assignment that you see on Progress Book. This will be your cue that the assignment is in their journal and has been graded in the journal.  

I'd like to make sure that you've seen your child's interim report. I've asked the kids to have them return their interim reports signed by this Friday, September 21. I've also told them that their parents can write a note to me letting me know that their interim was seen if you'd prefer not to sign the actual interim report.  I'll be sending these interims back home to you this Friday, September 21 in your child's Friday Folders. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with this matter. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Science homework

Don't forget that you need to finish your lab questions from class today. It is due tomorrow. If you were doing Pro Ohio testing with Miss Allen at this time today, you do not have that homework.

September 10-14, 2012

Science and Social Studies
Well, we are still plugging away in science and social studies on the material I blogged about last week. Sometimes I plan more than we can cover in a week' s time, so we will just simply finish it the following week. We are wrapping up our week in science completing our lab that tests and controls variables with Epsom salt and warm water. Ask your young, budding scientists about their goggles they wore this week, they all looked stunning! Safety first in science! In social studies we are just getting to our salt dough map sat the end of this week. Please send your child in with 1 cup of salt and 1 cup of all purpose flour to make their dough, these should be sealed in Ziploc baggies and labeled with their names, home rooms, and social studies period. We will need these by Friday!

Pro Ohio
We will also be taking our Pro Ohio tests this week and next week for reading, math, science and social studies. These tests are to see where your child is academically right now in the school year. We will take them again in the winter. Your children will need to bring number two pencils With them on the following days: September 12, 17, 19, 21. These are the days we will be taking the Pro Ohio tests.   

Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers who returned the volunteer form to us have been scheduled and will be receiving a note home within the next few days letting yu know when to start coming in and what days we've scheduled you for.We will not be starting this next week due to Pro Ohio testing. A big thank you to all of our parents that will be volunteering your time for us and your children.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4-7 Week 3 Already!

Wow! We're in the third week of school already, where has the time gone? Routines are starting to become second nature, and things are starting to work like clockwork, which is a good thing!

We will be detectives this week trying to figure out maps that have mystery footprints left behind and clues to figure out. We'll be making inferences to make our hypotheses and try to crack open the cases. We will also be fine tuning our predicting skills by getting to do some hands on activities to help us. Hopefully we'll be closing our week learning how to control variables in experiments. We're definitely busy scientists at work!

Social Studies
We are trying to finish up learning our latitude and longitude skills this week. Our goal is to become latitude and longitude experts by the end of this week. If your child forgot their cardboard for their map project, there is still time to bring it in. My goal is to begin making our maps of our continent North America out of salt dough at the end of this week.